Tuesday, November 9, 2010

1st Trimester Reflections

I am proud that I can do equations really well now because I used to not understand them at all and it brought my grade down. I wish I could do better on long division. I think I'm okay with long division but I think there is room for improvemet. Algebra has not been that challenging for me but there were a few things I struggled on like mixture problems, percent of change, and a little bit of long division. I feel that I have mastered equations, percent of change, and literal equations. My goals for next trimester is not to rely as much on corrections (meaning I get more things right the first time around and do less for corrections) and if I don't understand something I should go to Mr. Thornton strait after class instead of waiting for acedemic workshop. The way I should complete these goals is that I should work really hard on homework and email Mr. Thornton if I need something and go strait to Mr. Thornton if I don't understand something.

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